Design and Evaluation of a Game for Mobile Platforms about Periodic Properties of the Chemical Elements

Gabriela Trindade Perry, Marcelo Leandro Eichler, Danilo Marcondes Filho


This paper presents the results of two studies on Xenubi, a computer/mobile game about periodic properties of the chemical elements. These studies were aimed at evaluating Xenubi in 3 dimensions: interface usability, user preferences and learning outcomes. The usability and user preferences study focused on the understanding of the game mechanics by students from a public state school and from a private school in Brazil. The learning outcomes evaluation study was conducted in a public technical school, and sought for differences in post-test score between groups that played Xenubi as printed cards and on the computer. The results point to a consistent better understanding of the game mechanics by students from the private school and a higher performance improvement for the students who played Xenubi on the computer.


Educação Química; Informática Educativa; Ergonomia

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Direitos autorais 2018 Gabriela Trindade Perry, Marcelo Leandro Eichler, Danilo Marcondes Filho

Licença Creative Commons
Esta obra está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.


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