Analysis of textbooks of Mathematics in relation to the Disposition of Tasks in the light of Attention as a Neurocognitive Mechanism

Luciano Pontes da Silva, Laerte Silva da Fonseca


The present work has the objective of analyzing the tasks on trigonometric functions presented in three books approved in the last three PNLDs, from 2009 to 2017 regarding Levels of Attention Transfer according to Sternberg (2010). The research has a documentary nature, within its intended purpose and is divided into two sessions. The first concerns the theoretical part, concatenating three pillars: the screening of tasks according to Dante (2005); the official documents, especially the Guide of the Didactic Book and the Attention, with neurocognitive lenses like Lent (2002), Lima (2005) and psychological with Sternberg (2010) and Willingham (2011) among others. The second part brings to the fore the empirical part of the work, with the analysis of the three books, namely: "Mathematics" by Dante (2005a), "Mathematics" by Ribeiro (2010) and "New Mathematical Souza (2013). The tasks were screened at three levels of attention, where it was noticed that most of the tasks found in the analyzed books are within the second level, none appearing at the third level of attention.


Textbook; Attention; Trigonometry; Cognitive Neuroscience; Cognitive Psychology.

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Direitos autorais 2019 Luciano Pontes da Silva, Laerte Silva da Fonseca

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