Why talk about Hermeneutics?

Josiel de Oliveira Batista, Luciane Ferreira Mocrosky, Fabiane Mondini


Many are the works in Mathematical Education that have analyzes based in the hermeneutics, explicitly or not. However, the elaboration of texts that focus on discussing the philosophical foundations of hermeneutics, understood in different perspectives, is still a demand of this field of knowledge. In order to contribute to this discussion and bring clarification about what is hermeneutic, we wrote this work that approaches it in the perspective of phenomenology, that is, as a philosophy. Starting from different historical conceptions of the term, which has in its roots the synonym of interpreting and translating, we present our understanding of the constitution’s course of philosophical hermeneutics, as an ontology of understanding, that is, a way for the human being to comprehend himself and understand the world. In this sense, we envisage contributions of hermeneutics to the research that themes the Education, since, constantly and interpretative-understanding movement of texts, testimonies, expressions of students and pedagogical practice constantly made in the educational context.


Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Mathematics Education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17648/acta.scientiae.v21iss4id3864


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Direitos autorais 2019 Josiel de Oliveira Batista, Luciane Ferreira Mocrosky, Fabiane Mondini

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