The Pedagogical Education of Chemistry Teachers: a critical-reflexive analysis of teacher education

Lairton Tres, José Claudio Del Pino


This article discusses the pedagogical aspects of the chemistry teachers training course of a community university in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The course got through several curricular reformulations, which enabled the implementation of chemical education subjects, responsible for the articulation of technical and pedagogical knowledge throughout the course. We did a structured interview with the course’s graduates and then made a critical-reflexive analysis of the developed work, trying to understand the former students’ perspectives about the parameters used as indicators for their education and the contributions of this process towards the construction of chemistry teachers. Among the main results, we highlight the importance of the actions in chemical education established to allow the insertion of the future teachers in the school context from the beginning of the course. This encouraged them to become researchers of a reflexive practice and to establish themselves as mediating educators in the teaching-learning process, creating the link between technical and pedagogical knowledge by teaching.


Critical-Reflexive Practice; Chemical Education; Teacher Education

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Direitos autorais 2019 Lairton Tres, José Claudio Del Pino

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