Matemática Escolar, Matemática Acadêmica e Matemática do Cotidiano: uma teia de relações sob investigação / School Mathematics, Academic Mathematics and Everyday Mathematics: A network of relations under investigation
In this article, we present general ideas around which a research program on mathematics teacher education has developed by collaboration between Mathematics Education researchers from both UFMG and UFOP. The studies within this program focus mainly on the relations between school mathematics, academic mathematics and everyday mathematics, as well as on their implications on understanding what constitutes mathematics teacher professional knowledge and, potentially, on the design of mathematics teacher education curricula. By describing some of the works already developed, we trace our way through different research interests and the corresponding theoretical frameworks, as well as present some of our findings along the research avenues we have been exploring. These findings reveal some aspects of the complexity of the relations between school, academic and everyday mathematical practices and reinforce the importance of the analysis of what teachers do in classrooms and what kind of difficulties they face while doing what they do, in order to design a sounding process for preparing professionals to teach mathematics at school level.
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Direitos autorais 2013 Maria Manuela David, Plínio Cavalcanti Moreira, Vanessa Sena Tomaz
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