Brazilian teachers' beliefs about technologies in a training program in Portugal

Marcelo Prado Amaral-Rosa, Marcelo Leandro Eichler


Teachers’ beliefs regarding technologies are configured as a decisive component within the school context, since they interfere directly in the adoption of rejection of devices. This way, the objective was to identify the main beliefs held by Chemistry teachers who take part in continuous training in an international cooperation between Brazil and Portugal regarding the insertion of technologies in the school daily routine. The aim was the Teacher Professional Development Program that took place at Portugal. The individuals are Chemistry teachers (n=25) from all Brazilian macroregions, including immersion follow-up at the schools (n=5). The methodological procedures employed for data gathering were questionnaires, interviews and observations in both training in Portugal and in Brazilian schools. Data analysis was carried out through the use of content analysis assisted by the Nvivo software. The results point towards Chemistry teacher beliefs regarding the benefits and inconveniences from the use of technologies within their daily schooling contexts. The Chemistry teachers point out the benefits from the use of technologies in the classroom, but the inconveniences appear as decisive hurdles for them not to be used. Thus, the understanding of teacher's beliefs regarding government actions is essential for the application or financial resources and the didactic-pedagogical advancements in the use of technologies.


Teacher training. Teaching practice. Cooperation Brazil-Portugal.

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Direitos autorais 2017 Marcelo Prado Amaral-Rosa, Marcelo Leandro Eichler

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