Mathematical Modelling in Mathematics Education as way to develop critical consciousness: a theoretical study

Gabriele Granada Veleda, Dionísio Burak


According to Freire, understanding is the result of a process that requires effort, recreation and research, and this is possible following a democratic educational practice, that aims to develop a critical consciousness. In other words, teaching and learning should involve search, trial and error, misunderstanding, curiosity, satisfaction, and pleasure. Mathematical Modelling in Mathematical Education, as proposed by Burak, includes all of that and the development of a critical consciousness. Therefore, in this paper, we present a theoretical study showing some relations between the actions that students do during the steps of mathematical modelling activity proposed by Burak and the characteristics of critical consciousness proposed by Freire.


Modelagem Matemática; Educação Matemática

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Direitos autorais 2017 Gabriele Granada Veleda, Dionísio Burak

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