Game-based learning environments: designing the collaborative learning processes

Carina Soledad González González, Cesar A. Collazos, Luis A. Guerrero, Lorenzo Moreno


The importance of Collaborative Games in education have been described in different scientific studies. However, designing a collaborative activity is not an easy task, it needs understanding and analyzing collaborative learning processes requiring a fine-grained sequential analysis of the group interaction in the context of learning goals. Several researchers in the area of collaborative work have considered the quality of the group outcome as a success criterion. Nevertheless, recent findings are giving more importance to the quality of the collaboration process itself. This paper presents a set of patterns includes aspects of the design of collaborative game, as well as of the evaluating and monitoring process. Also we describe a Collaborative Game design using these set of patterns as a method, which can be used in analyzing the interaction processes in a Collaborative Game Based Learning environment (CGBL).


Design Patterns, Collaborative Learning, CSCL, Game Based Learning.

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Direitos autorais 2017 Carina Soledad González González, Cesar A. Collazos, Luis A. Guerrero, Lorenzo Moreno

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