Implicit Learning Theories of Biological Sciences Students from PIBID

Temis Regina Jacques Bohrer, Maria Eloisa Farias


In the last two decades, several discussions guided the initial and continued training of teachers. In this attempt, the Institutional Program for Scholarships of Initiation in Teaching (PIBID), which seeks to improve and enhance the training of teachers for basic education and make teachers part of the daily life of the schools from the public system. In order to investigate the learning theories of 17 Initiation in Teaching (IT) scholars, all linked to PIBID, we used the qualitative-quantitative research method, using structured interview with pre-established script and analysis of 30 statements distributed fairly, from a range of values (Likert scale), ranging from 1 to 5 the degree of agreement. The emerging educational theories were Active, Traditional, Constructivist, Criticism, Technical and Contingency factor, adapted from administrative science. The results showed the group's quirks related to the theories investigated and to the professional profile, suggesting a more reflective and critical view in the formation of professionals participating in the program.

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Direitos autorais 2016 Temis Regina Jacques Bohrer, Maria Eloisa Farias

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