The game of Eleusis: an entertaining simulation of the research heuristic

Geovani Lopes Dias, Renato P. dos Santos


Given the problematic nature of the introduction of high school students to the Research Culture, this paper deals with an analysis of these students’ connections between elements of this kind of investigation and elements of an entertaining card game that simulates it – the game of Eleusis. As theoretical-methodological axis, we used Bardin’s Content Analysis from the Theory of Meaningful Learning perspective. The results point to clear connections between those elements, despite some still fragile conceptual constructions. These findings were satisfactory for the problem, given the character of an advance organizer of the game for the thematic focus.


The game of Eleusis; Heuristics; Scientific literacy; Advance organizer

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Direitos autorais 2016 Geovani Lopes Dias, Renato P. dos Santos

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